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The Benefit of a Warehouse : Causing the cost of the product to decrease : To prevent the lack of products to sell : Helps reduce problems that occur due to transportation. : Can produce in excess of seasonal demand : Help to use that product In time as needed : Meet the needs of consumers : Helping the production to proceed normally : Helping credit to industry or merchants with low capital : Help stabilize product prices : Helping to temporarily store goods that need to be exported abroad in the form of Re-export


1. Receiving the product, how many types of products are received, how much the product is compared to the documents / information from the PO card to receive the goods into the warehouse Because these data are different and varied Importantly, it is necessary to solve the problem of type / wrong amount of liability. Therefore, to receive product information in passing through the technology system, it is necessary to create a database system that allows it to allocate space and place products in storage shelves in advance. If the barcode system is implemented Can use the barcode that comes with the product or create the barcode system itself 2. Storing to the floor (Put-away) Where to store, specify where to store products. Product storage blocks use criteria such as turnover rate, product type, size, weight, etc. Transporting products into storage locations Confirmation of storage according to the specified location Importantly, the problem must be solved in the wrong place. Including assigning workflows and routes to store the appropriate products as well 3. Picking is the most time-consuming activity. As with shopping for items in department stores, it will be a waste of time. Because most are used in walking and searching Transport loading arrangement Product picking planning (picking where to pick, how, route / method), picking criteria, such as FIFO FEFO, picking the product according to the specified position and quantity. Importantly, the problem must be solved in the process of repeated checks. Place the program to process from the database. And first sorting after picking the product according to the specified conditions 4. Stock count (Inventory Count) before counting Will stop receiving and moving products Clear the documents for payment Store all inventory in the storage location. Collect stock information in the system that is available before counting to compare with the actual item. And prepare stock count documents As for counting, according to the details in the stock count card (type, quantity, etc.), compare the data collected with the actual count. Which the initial inspection, if found different and after the counting Adjust the data or number in the system to match the actual number that can be counted. Which must summarize the problem report and measure the accuracy of the storage (Inventory Accuracy) So if you want to put the system Must consider the original stock count Before changing the product count within the specified time period, based on the processing from the database in real time or can be counted at the time of the operation. The Cycle count system can be connected to the mobile network system. More accurate 5. Report preparation Normally, the report has been prepared to collect data. But if using such a system, it must be able to check the status of the product and inventory in real time Track product inspection And the results of warehouse management for planning, development, improvement Including summary processing, numerical data, statistics and lectures Objective of Warehouse Management : Reduce the distance of the operation to move as much as possible : The use of space and volume for maximum benefit storage : Ensuring that labor, tools, utilities Have enough and consistent With the level of business planned : Create daily work satisfaction for those involved in moving goods Both admission and payouts By using quantity from purchasing And the need for Delivered to customers as criteria : Can plan continuously, control and maintain the use of various resources In order to provide services under the cost that is effective, cost effective in accordance with investment Designated business size